Alright, You Know What? No. I'm Done. FINISHED: Doom

Completion Time: About seven hours
Level: Hurt Me Plenty (Normal)

So here's the story. The original Doom had three episodes. Ultimate Doom, a version that was released a few years later, and is the version they released on XBLA, has an additional episode created by fans that is "extra hardcore" and "For Doom experts only." Well they weren't effing kidding. Episode four is nigh impossible with my FPS sensibilities. I spent an hour playing the first level only to get through one room. So screw it.

I beat Episode Three. I killed the Spiderdemon with the BFG. I saw this ending:

I proved too tough for Hell to contain. You're damn right.

As far as I'm concerned I beat the damn thing. And the fourth episode is simply bonus levels.

Done. Next. Review coming shortly.

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