Venom From The Grave

You would think if a person kept their word not to use their blogs to vent their personal vindictive venom for something I was not a party of. I have not been reading my ex-partner Ariel's blog for a long time, as I laid her shit and buried it. But no, she is accusing and alleging that I caused the break up of her beloved female companion, while she pretended to be a male avatar. I just found out when I checked it lately and saw other blogs she recently posted against me. Riping at me.

And out of the blue, I get an IM that was saved from a person I never meet before, and she informed me that we have a common friend. I met with Ms J. a few days later. And she vented and chatted her sad story, and told me that she is horrible and a sick person. I stood there just listening and comforting her latest victim...yes she is a VICTIM.

Not a lover, but a "sexual awakening" experiment of Ariel's escape from a poor marriage and chronic health conditions. She wants to escape from, while keeping herself occupied in SL at the expense of others emotions. Her famous disclaimer, "I never meant to hurt anyone." If so, then why does she continue to hurt people in SL.

While she portrays herself as a victim when a malicious avatar she meets, gets an upper hand at her. We should be cheering them on for getting at Ariel for us. I know I did, "The One Ring". If I'm not mistaken, it was Drake's alt that informed Ms J, and gave her the links to her blog and as well to my blog. Thank you Drake! For letting Ms J know all about the TRUTH on Ariel, the sexual predator. If this was RL, she would be charged, convicted, and put away for a few years to rot in prison hell.

Ariel mentions in her blog, she will change her ways and amend for her sins in SL, for the people she has hurt in the past. If her blogs is a history of her activities, she will continue to stalk for more victims, that I can guarantee as Hell itself exist! You don't fool me Ms A, and your readers know you all too "hell" by now. Your a mental grand delusionist sicko, and need to lay on a therapy couch. And my cock suits me just fine by the way it is, and had only one complaint, and that's from you. I didn't FUCK YOU enough. (Laughing) Why would I continue to fuck a sick cunt ass bitch like you?!

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