You should have changed to the new “Phoenix” viewer by now. The link to download is provided below, which I have downloaded just the other day.
If you are new to Second Life, or someone like me that uses Hippo Opensim Viewer, that I’m having some frustration with that viewer, with the way the groups and IM boxes are configured.
I suggest you use Phoenix, but use Hippo Opensim for building projects and experimenting with your creative talent. Read more about on building from my back posts.
Phoenix is exactly the same as Emerald as of this post, with no differential item that I am able to notice. And since I am on this topic, I want to mention the quick way to remove your fog / cloud affect on your avatar, without having to re-log anymore.
With your viewer, go to Help, click on Advance feature and it will be displayed at the top tool bar of your screen. Scroll down to Character, then Character Tests, then select Test Male or Test Female, based on your avatar gender.
You will then become a Ruth, so have a “preset folder of skin and items” of what you use in SL daily. Click on it to “replace” Ruth, and your set to go. No need to re-log ever again. Just go over your appearance, that you have the appendages, and clothing are on your avatar.
The Character Test information, provided by YinMei. Thank you dear.