... is out!
And he is precious and darling and peaceful and adorable and cuddly and cute and OURS!!!
Sullivan Scott was born Friday, March 20th at 1:04pm. He is a perfect 7lbs 7 ozs and 19 inches long. Real shots to come, but for now, picture dark hair and small little scrunched up features.
Since his arrival, I have:
~ slept on my belly (not able to do when pregnant)
~ drunk a full-leaded (caffeinated!) pepsi (limited caffeine when pregnant)
~ eaten lunch meat (not allowed to do when pregnant)
~ taken a luxurious bath (full belly immersion) in extra hot water (advised not to boil the baby when pregnant!)
I already miss being pregnant, but I sure am enjoying the simple, fine things of non-pregnant life! Ha.
We're still at the hospital today (Sun) and will be through tomorrow. Sullivan's kidney dilation (which we knew about in utero) is being checked in on by tests tomorrow. We will know better what the course of action is at that time. Could be just routine follow up, could be some form of intervention ( minor surgery). Either way, this is a very small health concern!
In the meantime, Jackson Reed Arthur is being the best big brother he can be. In other words, he's "tolerating" Sullivan. He has given kisses, hugs, high fives, and "fist pumps" to his new bro. And, in a 22 month old's world, that is love. Otherwise, he is operating quite successfully as the CENTER of his Grandma's universe... Gma Lynette flew in Sat morning and is giving him all the attention Daddy and Mommy can't at the moment - PLUS SOME! Thank goodness for Gmas!
I am feeling great (physically). And feeling grateful (soulfully). How did I get THIS lucky?