Yesterday was my 36 week appointment (we're doing the weekly thing these days!). My belly seemed to be measuring small and the babe's heart beat was reading a little low, so doc wanted to check in on my amniotic fluid supply and observe baby's overall activity... off to the ultra sound room I went. Jackson, mind you, had been a GOOD little boy throughout the office visit. [Poor guy got caught on the wrong side of the room when doc checked my dilation (1 cm, by the way!) - I think he'll be scarred for life to see that scene!!!]
So when, at 4:40pm (when I thought we'd be heading home and starting our dinner ritual), I had to get this ultra sound done, I wondered what to do with Jackson. Thank goodness for Cathy, some compassionate nurse who volunteered to stroll Jackson for 25 minutes while I took care of business in the ultra sound room (NOT a kid-friendly sort of room). Talk about trust. Off they went down the hallway - and I had met the woman 30 seconds prior. Oh well, it takes a village. And besides that, I had no choice.
So I guess I should get to the point... the ultra sound revealed that I am FINE on amniotic fluid and the baby's weight is equally FINE - a fat 6 lbs 13 ounces. So nothing to worry about (although as I got comfortable in there and had to wait a few secs for the technician, I have to say my mind was spinning: "Ok, who will watch Jackson if they need to induce me tonight? I don't have freakin sub plans for school tomorrow! Did I pack my hospital bag yet? Oh, yeah, that's right... I started and so far all that's in there is an Enya CD and the baby's outfit to come home in. Great, I'm as unprepared as it gets. Will Scott make it back from LA? I am going to TOTALLY milk this experience for a lifetime if I have to deliver this baby alone.")
So once we established that all is well. I started zeroing in on that estimated weight: six pounds, thirteen ounces. That weight is precisely 2 pounds heavier than each boy was at delivery last time. Two pounds. TWO STINKIN POUNDS. So how much WIDER does two pounds make a baby's head, a baby's shoulders... Oh, geez. I'm freaking out about this labor. I gotta push out a FULL SIZED BABY... before I pushed out mini-babies. Granted, there were two. But STILL.
I finally calmed down.
Although a slightly interesting appointment, Jackson and I left feeling confident again. He was an angel, according to Nurse Cathy, during his impromptu stroller ride, and I was comforted that Baby Sesame is looking good in there. All is right with the world.