Officially Stressed

It's here. Stress has arrive on my doorstep this morning. And I feel like my head is spinning, as a result.

My friend Belinda called and said to pick a time to be together before I left. She said to look over my calendar and email the possibilities to her. I did just that, and could only come up with a couple, couple hour windows from which to choose.

When am I gonna go through my whole house and Goodwill what I don't want to take with me? When am I gonna say the goodbyes I want to say? When am I gonna have moments to myself to spend in the Park of Roses and the Caribou up the street and the cemetery with Duncan? When am I gonna eat up all the goodies in my deluxe freezer downstairs?

Wow. I'm in a tailspin. I guess the first step is to stop blogging and get to it.