June 2, 2007. A Saturday. I had several nice visits that weekend from people I love, namely Becky, Lynette, and Amy. Then, Carey and her mom (Mel) stopped by unexpectedly on the afternoon of the 2nd. We had a nice chat about all sorts of things.... and at one point, I remember feeling that there MIGHT be a small chance that trickling was occurring. Trained to be proper and polite (yeah right), I kept my mouth shut (rare) and didn't interrupt the dialogue to say, "Guys, I've never done this before - so I don't want to alarm you - but I might need to go check real quickly to see if there's some amniotic fluid leaking out of me. Hold that thought while I find out if I'm going to have babies tonight." Instead, I assumed it was my imagination getting the best of me.
Once Carey and Mel left, I scurried to the bathroom. I did need to pee anyway, so why not give a little looker down there? The specific words that came next (to Scott) were, "Babe. I just finished going to the bathroom... BUT I'm still going." He wasted no time in flagging down a nurse.
And that began the process of one of the most incredible experiences I've ever had.
We celebrated that experience yesterday. Jackson and Duncan were born! The one year anniversary of that day was enhanced by a splendid gathering of loved ones in our back yard Monday night. Scott and I had talked long and hard about how to honor Duncan as well as Jackson. It's a tricky thing. How to honor and remember, yet not dwell and cling to? How to preserve, yet let go? We decided that although Duncan's memory may not need to be celebrated in an obvious way in future birthdays, this first one could/should include some serious Duncan representation. So after the eating was over, we all paraded to the Park of Roses, where Duncan's tree is located. And we showered Duncan with rose petals (sophisticated confetti!) and playful bubbles. To say, "We love you and celebrate you!" It was just what Scott and I were aiming for - touching and celebratory, not sad or melancholy (which represented our set of emotions on June 2 - to us it is a happy day...). It was a beautiful focal point to our park journey.
Ladybug cupcakes were the concluding activity of the party. Sophia, Jackson's pseudo twin (born at Riverside a mere 12 hours before Jackson and Duncan on June 2, 2007!), also participated in the cake-eating.
It was all around wonderful. I am a lucky woman to have a 1 year old named Jackson Reed Arthur. And a bunch of people I love and who love Jackson come to the party. (sigh). I'm gonna miss Columbus.
Once Carey and Mel left, I scurried to the bathroom. I did need to pee anyway, so why not give a little looker down there? The specific words that came next (to Scott) were, "Babe. I just finished going to the bathroom... BUT I'm still going." He wasted no time in flagging down a nurse.
And that began the process of one of the most incredible experiences I've ever had.
We celebrated that experience yesterday. Jackson and Duncan were born! The one year anniversary of that day was enhanced by a splendid gathering of loved ones in our back yard Monday night. Scott and I had talked long and hard about how to honor Duncan as well as Jackson. It's a tricky thing. How to honor and remember, yet not dwell and cling to? How to preserve, yet let go? We decided that although Duncan's memory may not need to be celebrated in an obvious way in future birthdays, this first one could/should include some serious Duncan representation. So after the eating was over, we all paraded to the Park of Roses, where Duncan's tree is located. And we showered Duncan with rose petals (sophisticated confetti!) and playful bubbles. To say, "We love you and celebrate you!" It was just what Scott and I were aiming for - touching and celebratory, not sad or melancholy (which represented our set of emotions on June 2 - to us it is a happy day...). It was a beautiful focal point to our park journey.
Ladybug cupcakes were the concluding activity of the party. Sophia, Jackson's pseudo twin (born at Riverside a mere 12 hours before Jackson and Duncan on June 2, 2007!), also participated in the cake-eating.
It was all around wonderful. I am a lucky woman to have a 1 year old named Jackson Reed Arthur. And a bunch of people I love and who love Jackson come to the party. (sigh). I'm gonna miss Columbus.