Recent Weights

I forgot to give the most recent weights of both boys: On Wednesday, Duncan was 7 lbs 4 ounces and Jackson was 9 lbs 11 ounces. They are still about 2 1/2 lbs apart - both are growing steadily!

We just had our buddy Phil V. in from Los Angeles for the nights. It was so wonderful visiting with him. Scott and he became very close during his time in Cleveland, when Phil was going through his MD/ PHD program at Case Western. Now he is in residency in CA. Phil has been a huge resource for sound advice during our learning curve with Duncan's heart. He is specializing now in pediatric cardiology - what a gift!

From the Top: Clothesless Jackson and "Patch" Duncan

Duncan in a state of total sleeping bliss

A multitasker's dream: 2 babies and a lap top (notice Jackson is nude again - i promise i DO dress him!)

Look at those cool name plates! Aunt Jo and Uncle Darrell owned this project! THANKS GUYS!

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