Check out US News and World Report Article

Scott and I opened up this week's issue of US News and World Report to find one of the feature articles to be about Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. The stort is about a little girl who had her three surgeries done in Texas and they chose the Norwood Procedure as opposed to the route we chose for Duncan: the Hybrid Sequence. The end result (after all three surgeries) is still the same... below is a link that takes you to the photo gallery included in the article. The print itself is not included.

And for those of you who are interested in the anatomy of the heart... here is a diagram explaining what an HLHS patient's heart looks like when born and what the end result should be. Duncan's heart will operate like the picture on the right after his 2 year surgery. I continue to be amazed at what can be done as the field of medicine advances. Truly incredible.

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