After Midnight

No sooner when Midnight is able to chat and walk with me. Her mother Kali left SL and never to return. But her sister Talil, stepped forward to look after my daughter. And she arranged for my daughter to live with her instead of me. She must have known my inclination to eat my own kind or blood kin. If not that, my not so very nurturing responsibility as a demon dad.

I had planed a corner in ninth level Hell Hole for her to have been a nursery room. But not to Talil's satisfaction, and she did not approve. And since I was busy on corrupting the human females, it might as well she took Midnight under her care.

The communication broke down between her and I, soon after the announcement of my choice for Domina, as she was vying for that role in the family. She left the group, and took Midnight with her, as previously mentioned. It does not matter to me, as families in SL can form over time, or quickly end when certain decisions are made for one's self. And if certain proposals are enacted when approved by the group. Not that I often propose items for the group to vote on.

I do plan to have another child or children. But this time with Kitten and Memory to whom I have known a long time, and trust the family in their care. I turn another page in my adventures, but with familiar faces in the family.

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