Minnesota Easter Egg Hunts

When you live in Minnesota, flowers aren't necessarily blooming and eggs are not necessarily hatching around Easter time (maybe by fourth of July!!!). That said, Easter Egg Hunts look like this: We all pile on our tired winter wear (this past Saturday, gloves and hats were even necessary... a pathetic 35 degrees!), bolt out of our cars once the organizer has spread out the eggs in an open space (note: there is no "hunt" about it), pick them up with our stiff fingers as fast as we can, then bolt back to our cars. Ha! The whole thing lasted maybe 10 minutes. :)
Jackson is now a pro! He got to stand on the "doesn't-need-assistance" (aka BIG BOY) side of the field when it began
Sulivan, meanwhile, didn't get the whole thing as so chose to continue with his snack mix in the red bowl. I've got to hand it to him, he never ONCE complained about his cold fingers!

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