Ho-ho-holy crap. This game is sweet.
I've put in about four hours so far and can already tell that this will be one of the best games I play throughout this whole project.
Going into it with absolutely no expectations has given me a few pleasant surprises.
First, the story. Joker has been captured on purpose so he can release all the inmates in Arkham and take complete control of the institution. This sets a fantastic context for the way the rest of the game plays out - for example - you'll find yourself with many blocked passageways and dead ends - a video game design device to make an area appear to be bigger than it actually is. To give this mechanic more of a reason to be - Joker tells you at the beginning - "You're not going anywhere I don't want you to go." Because of this you feel like you're being completely manipulated for the first couple hours of the game. Very cool.
Master Manipulator
What I didn't expect was the horror elements that the developers included. You are reminded VERY early on that Arkham is a legitimate prison for psychotic maniacs. There have already been a few poop-your-pants moments with run-ins with the Joker and Scarecrow. The scariness adds so much to the game in the sense of atmosphere.
George Cloony Batman this is not. This is Dark Knight and Batman Begins rolled up together and then mixed with Silence of the Lambs.
Ohgh. It's just so SO good.
Consider my pants pooped.