Still Playing: Kingdom Hearts 2 (and iPad)

Oh Steve Jobs. You've done it again.

So last Friday was my birthday and my wife surprised me with an iPad. Well, more like shocked me with an iPad. I didn't necessarily ask for it, and I certainly wasn't expecting it, but I was drooling all over it. Yesterday I finally went to get a case and a iTunes card so I could get a few games on the thing.

Since my portable collection isn't being counted into my backlog, I won't count iPad games either. I will however be playing them parallel to my backlog journey. So while the iPad games won't get a full write up, I'll throw out a review here or there. I am currently fully dissolved into the wonderment of Puzzle Quest 2 on the iPad. What a glorious game.

Legit crack.

Now - Kingdom Hearts 2. I'm about 12 hours in and just got to the Pirates of the Caribbean world. I'm starting to get reacquainted with the story but the combat is just tedious. Most reviews of the game have complained that while you have access to spells and upgrades and special techniques, you only need the "Attack" button. You rarely even need to heal. So really the only thing you're doing is mashing the X button over and over without any thought or strategy or consideration of your health or MP or whatever.

I still enjoy the game's varied worlds and decent story, but I just find the combat to be an exercise in tedium. Even boss battles are button mashing affairs with maybe a context sensitive button press at the end to finish it.

By most accounts, KH2 is 30-40 hours, so I'm almost halfway th...oh sorry. I was thinking about Puzzle Quest 2.

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