I have found many romances, and there are disappointments too.
Gaia, my first true friend in SL, and later became my daughter. Wonderful person, who has helped me in many ways. Got me to enjoy SL and helped with my settings with SL viewer and introduced me to Emerald Viewer before it was prohibited to be used in SL.
Hateful, one of my sisters. I am close to her as a big demon brother. She and Pinky were sisters that adopted me, when I meet the girls at now defunct Coral Bay Nightclub. I worked as a host there for awhile, and they were my on stage strip dancers. The girls have since departed as sisters, but I remain as a brother to them both. They would ask of each other through me from time to time.
Ariel whom I meet, and my first partner in SL, made it possible for me to get this blog started. Unfortunately, we parted ways, and had an exchange of heated dialogs against each other in our blogs.
Coma, my first love in SL. Was the one who suggested that I form a group. I then created Hell’s Angels of Kaboom Coba, not as a BDSM, sex orgy, and party group, but a simple way to communicate with the 8 concubines I had by March. She then lead a revolt, that broke up the little harem that I had.
Raven, my stead fast concubine. Who helped me the most during the saddest moments for me in SL. The only one of my concubine, technically speaking that stayed with me since the break up of my little harem that I had.
Memory, who left me when she was a concubine. But has returned to my Second Life, after contacting Ariel. When news of our partnering reached her. I un-muted Memory, and started to chat with her. And that made it possible for her and I to be friends again. Not as a lover or former concubine, but a very good close friend to me.
Chey, well what can I say. My only Teasetress in Hell’s Angels of KC. She earned that title, by constantly undressing in front of me. We have been very close friends as well. She was the Maid of Honor during the wedding to Kitten.
Billijo, a good friend I meet shortly after marrying Kitten in June. She is usually the first person to greet me besides Eli, if they are already in world. I would say she is my personal slut and pet, but is currently spending time with my friend Morgana, as a sub to her. She has a good understanding of the collars that are used in-world, and I made her the contact person in my group.
Shadow, my pet dragon who was once my constant companion when Kitten was off world. She was initially a stray dragon that followed Kitten home one day and became her pet. She is currently spending time with Morgana's clan as well. I don't blame her, if she finds her demon master boring. (Laughing.) I may be able to induce her back to me by placing more rabbits out on the fields.
Kitten, my sub and first SL wife. I married her shortly un-partnering with Ariel. I cared about her a lot, but I don’t think she did. During the time she could not log in-world, she never tried to send me emails, which I knew she could have. And never let me know what was going on with her life in UK. Its funny she came back in-world the week Eli and I planned our wedding day.
Eli my pet, my wife, my love. Domina, my Queen and second in command in Hell’s Angels of KC. She is my no limits girl too. She does everything possible to just please me. Her personal wants is no concern of hers, but focuses them of just to please me every way possible. She is also a domm, and has no problem of being a cruel and wicked demoness. She got my ex-wife Kitten to be her slave. Only she could have pull a stunt like that. I would say she has “big tits” for getting my ex- wife to serve her.
The list of names is endless, but if I have not mentioned your name here (for those that know me in world). It does not mean I think any less of you. All my friends are wonderful people in the avatar that they portray, and each one has a special quality about them. You all have made a difference and lasting impression in my heart and in my thoughts.
My groups:
Hell’s Angels of KC is now a BDSM, sex orgy, and parties group.
- 85 total family members, highest at 96 two months ago.
- 15 inner family for my household of Carpi Diem, part of AngelsDemons.net
- 21 human females and demoness pets
- 17 total family members
- 03 daughters (Gaia, Wisky, Perse/Kia)
- 02 sisters (Hateful, Pinky)
- 01 brother (Otto)
- Level 5 Demon, level 8 to run for a seat in the council.
- 19 family and extended family members
- 18 personal SL souls.