The Library? Please...Final Run, However...

So everyone kept warning me about a certain mission called "The Library"...
Watch out for the Library - that's quite a grind
Halo gets a lot of flack for one mission in particular, The Library, and you'll see why.
Rough stuff ahead with the Library
Brace yourself! [The library is] long.
I freaking destroyed the library. Like, no trouble at all - I don't even think I died.

I really enjoyed one particular aspect of The Library that several other games have emulated. As you're fighting through this level you are guided by a little talking beacon, and every once in a while these laser-firing drones come out to help you take out some of the enemies. Once you finish the level, though, these drones turn against you, and that's the aspect I enjoyed. It's cool when powerful enemies or allies switch sides either for you or against you. It's kinds like in Chrono Trigger when you can recruit Magus to join your party.

Anyway, I made it through the majority of the following level, but now I am on a segment called "Final Run". I remember this portion vividly from the last time I tried to play through Halo because its where I gave up. You are fighting every single type of enemy and vehicle in this section and it is over-the-top difficult.

I think it may be my gaming type/personality that's giving me trouble with this, and possibly why I didn't have much trouble with the Library. You have to be extremely strategic in Final Run, whereas in the Library you just have to be quick with the trigger finger and conserve ammo as much as possible. I approach most FPS games in the balls-out, shoot everything mode, which served me well in the Library, but it's clear that I need to alter my approach to beat Final Run.

It says something about the depth of this game that you have to change your gaming style to make it through the whole thing, and I bet many people don't notice that aspect of Halo. Because everyone else is so damn good at it.

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