Lawnmower obsession and a deceased pilgrim

The crew on Trick or Treat night... aren't they festive?

This is ALL Scott.... his creative juices were a flowin!

There is nothing Jackson loves more in the world than LAWNMOWERS. He loves hearing them from a distance, he loves watching them from a distance, he loves sitting in the picture window and supervising Daddy while he mows the ENTIRE front lawn, and he loves talking about them CONSTANTLY.

So what better choice for a Halloween costume than a lawnmower?

Lawnmower Jackson with gardener/leaf-blower Mommy

Lawnmower with leaf-blower Daddy

And below is Mr. Sullivan Skeleton. Isn't he darling? We tried to jazz up his costume with a hat and the only semi-matching one we could find was a Thanksgiving pilgrim hat... oh, well. Whatever works! I LOVE these two shots below: