These past couple weeks have brought a new pattern of living: Up at 5:45. Shower and makeup and hair till 6:10. Dress till 6:15. Cereal and hot tea till 6:30. Devotional and meditate/pray till 6:45. Get kiddos dressed and teeth brushed (in one boy's case!) till 6:55. Pile in car till 6:57. Arrive at Cassie's at 6:58 - 7:00(2 minutes built in for when winter gear necessary... that's added time!). Drop Scott off at gym (on some days) by 7:05. At school by 7:15. Get room ready till 7:25. 1st hour till 8:31. 2nd hour till 9:25. 3rd hour (every other day) till 10:20. Speed home by 10:35am. Running clothes on by 10:45. GO ON A DELIGHTFUL RUN (every other day) till 11:15. Shower till 11:25. Pick up kiddos from Cassie's by 11:30 (every other day... days i don't run she keeps them till 11).
I am LOVING it. I love teaching. I love my boys. I love how comfortable I am with Cassie watching both of them. I love Fall. So - new pattern good.