Would you believe...

..that a few of my high school girlfriends and I have been able to pull off a gathering in Louisville around the holiday time for about 11 years now? And that all it takes is a few short intro sentences - and we are back to the groove of our connectedness? I am amazed by that. Goes to show that hearts and souls don't change. Just appearances and experiences and circumstances (really these women all look the same the day we met as freshmen in high school, so we are doing pretty well on the aging element!).

In this picture, you will find a nurse practitioner who works on the side serving inmates in correctional facilities around the state of Kentucky, a communications professional working for the nursing school at University of Louisville, a brilliant art designer working for a small company in Louisville, a resident-going-on-doctor in the field of anesthesiology, and a part-time math teacher/mom (no hints at revealing that last identity!). Bottom line - pretty amazing women. I'm proud to know them all.

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