Well... it's about time to share blog-style the news that our family is expanding!!! We are nearly 17 weeks pregnant and due April 1, 2009 (but, trust me, this baby will be no fool... I cannot tell you how many times I've repeated that joke).
Scott and I are totally pumped. Jackson is totally clueless. And Lilly the cat couldn't give a rip.
I thought the second time through, all the pregnancy "novelties" would be ho-hum. How wrong I was. That first ultra sound with the heart a beatin, that first pair of maternity pants I had to bust out, that first flutter and subsequent THUMP inside my belly... it ALL makes my heart melt as though it has never happened before. SUCH a crazy thing, pregnancy. I love it.
You'll all appreciate how well I kept the secret... we wanted to wait until this past weekend, when we were in town celebrating an early "mock" Turkey Day, to share the news face to face with folks. 16 weeks is a LONG time to keep news like that under wraps! We had five sets of visitors here in Columbus during that period of time the cat wasn't yet out of the bag. I wore lots of sweatshirts, let's just say.
But some suspicious parties were not convinced by our hiding. Stacia noticed I didn't change the cat litter once (what 17 year old pays attention to cat litter removal??). Diane and Ricci said the tiredness was a dead give away (after all, since when does Tricia need to rest in the middle of the day?). Dad and Nancye were for the most part stunned... but I think they had some instincts supporting my prego state. Grandmom and Grandad noticed I had picked up some weight (but, thank goodness, made no attempts to share this observation with me)... and Scott & I did, in our weakness, end up spilling the beans while they were here. KK is too darn smart to out-fool. So when she visited early on, I had no choice but to share (when I went running from the kitchen at the normally welcomed smell of chicken pot pie, who wouldn't have guessed?)
So there you have it. Our new kiddo is growing like he/she is supposed to. Fun fun.