Duncan's Heart Warriors at Work

For those readers who have followed along for some time in the journey of my pregnancy, birth, and experience with Duncan and Jackson - you understand the amazing group of women my sorority sisters are. Just to recap, these ladies have sent greeting cards, given restaurant gift cards, individually purchased baskets and goodies of encouragement, purchased and then MOVED (which involved a very large truck and taking the hinge off of our basement door!) a kick-butt freezer in our home for all the back-up meals I was receiving, attended Duncan's visitation, and then - the kicker - planned an amazing surprise service at the Park of Roses where a tree was planted in Duncan's memory.

Wait. There's another kicker. Becky and Emily Devaney are twin sisters born on the same day as Duncan and Jackson - June 2. They are part of this amazing Sigma Alpha Tau support network. They asked me way early on if it would be OK to create a walking team at the American Heart Walk inspired by Duncan. Honored is an understatement for how Scott, Jackson, and I felt. So they took the ball and ran with it! At the time, of course, we thought we'd be participating in this August event. But then moving to Minnesota put a damper in that plan. But they and the other ladies kept me informed about the progress of the planning by email.

The Heart Walk was this past Saturday. And look at what they did!!!!

Pay special attention to their Tshirts.

I cry as I finish this entry, because it's just so incredible to be in a place -without ever thinking you would - where people are honoring you and your family and your darling son so selflessly. It is so humbling. I can't explain it.

Girls, I spent all day Saturday thinking about you and wishing I were there to be apart of the celebration YOU designed and made special. Thanks for walking in the spirit of Duncan. He was alive and at work through you Saturday.