There's much evidence, after today's finger painting session, to suggest that my child will have little to no appreciation for the arts. Engineering, maybe but... Fine arts? No dice.
We busted out the crayola water proof finger paints today. And we both had a good time, I think. On went one of Scott's worn-out undershirts, clearly oversized as you can see in the pics, and out on the driveway we went. As I was saying, Jackson seemed more interested in the nearby STICK (see pic) than the really cool, bright primary colored paints. I thought he'd be WAY into the texture and the permission to get messy (after all, that's what he loves doing at meal time). And he did get into it, but mildly.
Instead of the actual PAINT and its creative potential on paper being interesting (and after the novelty of the stick wore off), he spent a good ten minutes just playing with the lids of the paint containers. Screwing and unscrewing them, with assistance... On. Off. On. Off. On. Off. On... then, you guessed it, Off again. Engineer? Jackson is always interested in the technical FUNCTION of things. We'll see. I thought I'd put my math major to use this summer and start teaching him calculus next week. Pushing it?
AND THE FINALE... so his diaper got a little art too