On Monday I was inspired to trade every last single snowman decoration in our home out for the Spring collection. After all, it was 70 degrees. So in the boxes went snow-themed items and on display went chicks, flowers, eggs, and bunnies. I went out that afternoon (with NO coat on me OR Jackson) to stock up on new Easter-themed decor. I even bought jelly beans and peeps, for peep's sake (pun intended)!
Jump forward 4 days. Blizzard in Ohio. BLIZZARD! So when we awoke yesterday morning to 10-13 inches on our street, we not only decided to do the mandatory shoveling, and to give Jackson some face time with the falling white stuff, but we also wanted to show all of our non-midwestern friends (FLORIDIANS, for example) what contrast I speak of:
Jump forward 4 days. Blizzard in Ohio. BLIZZARD! So when we awoke yesterday morning to 10-13 inches on our street, we not only decided to do the mandatory shoveling, and to give Jackson some face time with the falling white stuff, but we also wanted to show all of our non-midwestern friends (FLORIDIANS, for example) what contrast I speak of:
I couldn't help it. I just had to tote those darling vibrant little peeps outside so they could freeze their patootees off in the snow.
Here are some other shots to show the depth of snow:
Although this shot does do a good job of capturing the sheer depth of snow we received (the AC unit barely showing), I really intended for petrified, shivering Lilly to show up better. She is huddled against the house. She had been meowing like a madcat at the door all morning, trying to escape with every door opening. She finally made it out, but curiousity froze the cat. She was NOT a happy camper after two or three leaps through the white stuff! I had to go fetch her.Our house looks so beautiful as it is STILL coming down hard Sat morning...
And now for pics of the J-man and his family:
Not QUITE awake from morning nap, but pumped about wearing what Scott describes as "a very girly snowsuit." I, personally, thought it looked perfect on him!We had to come in for lunch-time... I LOVE this shot of Jackson peering out the window at his Daddy working hard on the driveway and sidewalk!