Saab Snobs

We decided to trade in our Town and Country. It served us well but was quite honestly an unnecessary vehicle for our current lifestyle. We batted around the idea of retaining ownership so that it will accomodate our family as it grows. But, seriously, do I need my mini van days to begin NOW? Chances are, I will eventually own one again - if we are blessed with more children - but I didn't feel compelled to make 28 years of age the beginning of a lifelong relationship with the gas-guzzler.

So, goodbye big car. Hello small one. Scott and I were like two little kids in a candy store at Carmax yesterday. We had it narrowed down to a practical Hyundai Sonata or a snappy, hip little Saab. The intention is for this new purchase to be my (OK, Jackson's too) car until Scott's VW dies. Then it will be Scott's for the rest of its hopefully long-lived life. We are drive-cars-into-the-ground kind of people.

Saab won. We were guided by desire on this decision. 99% of the time we discern based on practicality. This Saab represents the 1% we head down the Desire path. Now we can't make a decision like that for another 15 years. This Saab better be good.

We'll be getting it in a couple weeks because the color we liked is out of state.

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