The appointment with Dr. Boyle, Duncan's GI doctor, went well yesterday. He is comfortable with the idea of reintroducing breast milk to Duncan 2 times per day and using that other formula the other feedings. The idea is to both ease Duncan in to a new substance in his tummy and also to gradually increase my milk supply so both boys get what they need. Eventually, if all goes well and no icky blood in Duncan's stools, we'll work our way up to feeding him exclusively with breast milk. YEY!

This afternoon is the first trial run. I am OFF dairy products while Duncan is breast feeding, so I needed to wait a day to get yesterday's cereal out of my system. Duncan has only attempted nursing once when he was about a month old. The other milk he received from me was pumped and eaten through a bottle. So we'll see how well he likes THE REAL DEAL. Hope he knows what to do!