Nonstress tests begin!

This week is the first of my bi-weekly nonstress tests to check in on the boys. The intent is to track fetal wellbeing, making sure they are healthy IN... if their nutrition or blood/oxygen supply is at risk, they will weigh whether it will be more benefical for them to be OUT, albeit premature.

So we did well today! One down! A good report... and Dr. Fox's perspective (he is the high risk doctor that consults my regular OB - the one who will actually deliver) is that as long as the tests show positive signs, he suggests inducing around week 27 [oops, a friend noticed this mistake... want to clear it up as WEEK 37 that they want to induce, not 27!], which is around June 22nd. Golly, wouldn't it be great to get to then!

Also, we took a tour of Riverside Hospital's NICU. The best part of that tour was when the guide asked what the boys' expected weights were. When we told her, she made it her goal to find a baby there who was "in our price range," as she put it. We visited with a darling little boy who was 4 lbs 9 ozs (close to where we should be about now). He was doing wonderfully! And it was amazing to wrap our minds around the fact that that little guy - all balled up - times TWO - is in me! Truly crazy.

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