A Virgin to the Hospital

By the picture, you can guess where Scott and I spent 10:30 pm - 1:30 am last evening... at Riverside Hospital! Before I go on, all is well, thank goodness.

I had been experiencing contractions for a little over a week now. My OB reassured me that as long as they were erratic and not occurring more than 5 times in an hour. Last night, while watching "Saturday Night Fever" and eating Donatos Pizza, I began getting nervous about how frequently they were coming. Scott got out his handy-dandy stopwatch and we discovered them to be consistently 10 minutes apart... 6 in an hour. These contractions aren't painful, just a strong tightening lasting 20-45 seconds. We called, just to check. The gal on call from my OB's group said to count for another hour and call her back. This time I was experiencing them every 5-8 minutes - about 8 in an hour. When we called back, she said to head to Labor and Delivery.

So off we went, in our loyal Town and Country. They put that contraction-monitor-thingy on along with the devises that track the babys' heart beats. So it was cool for about an hour, but after two I was wondering WHAT AM I DOING HERE (the contractions were pretty regular still)? I was a virgin to being an actual patient in a hospital, although you'd think with how often I've visited I would be familiar with how LONG everything takes!

Bottom line - they finally did an FFN, which is supposed to indicate if labor is imminent in the next 10-14 days. It tested negative (meaning I WON'T go into delivery in the next 10-14 days), so that, along with the fact that I hadn't become more dilated, convinced them NOT to administer the medication designed to stop contractions.

So that was it! Back home we went... This journey truly is the ARTHUR ADVENTURE! Think I could write a book?