Two weeks from today, Scott and I will be in the sunny state of Florida. Thank goodness, the time change this past weekend coincided with a break in spring temperatures (up to 67 on Friday!), so we get to "ease" into the warm... ok HOT... temperatures Florida will offer us in a couple weeks.
Until then, it is work as usual. Both Scott and I are pretty darn ready for a change of pace from work and a chance to clear our minds. We will get to visit with Grandmom and Grandad McClain (who, by the way, would like to be called "GG-mom" and "GG-dad" when they become Great Grandparents!), as well as the Hill Family (need to get some names assigned to you guys too!). Mom (GrandJan) is coming along with us on our road trip, so it will be a great time. Let me just comment that trying on maternity swimsuits in the Target dressing room lighting in the dead of winter (i.e. white pasty skin) was not the MOST rewarding experience...
Tonight we had dinner with Ricci and Diane - Scott's parents - who I believe want to be called "Grandpa" and "Granny" - but that's still tentative as of now. We busted out the twin stroller for them to experience maneuvering it and getting a general feel for its function. They both passed the test... but Diane commented that it looked like a LOT of work to get that thing unfolded and into action ( I have to admit, it IS HUGE!). When Duncan and Jackson visit Grandpa and Granny, they might not be taking any walks!
Today was another appointment with my regular OB. Bear in mind, there are a total of 5 professionals actively involved in this pregnancy and birth - Dr. Paul (delivering doctor and regular OB), Dr. Fox (high-risk OB and consultant to Dr. Paul about the twin nature of our pregnancy), Dr. Kua (pediactric cardiologist at Children's), Becky (our dear nurse at Children's, who essentially serves as the social nurterer through the process), and last - but not least - Dr. Galantawics (heart surgeon who will be responsible for making Duncan's heart work!). Anyway, Dr. Paul today did a routine check-up, involving a quick look at an ultra sound. Her comment was "Wow, their fluid looks really good." Whatever that means!! Actually, I did ask - and she said that there looks to be a perfect amount of amniotic fluid surrounding each baby, and a balanced amount for each as well. Gotta take every blessing we can get - thank goodness for good fluid! Otherwise, she gave us the go-ahead for the Florida trip. Yey!
And lastly, (I know, I know - I gotta update this thing more often!), I want to report that Mom and Dad Johnson made a trip to visit here in Columbus this past weekend. They claim they bring the good weather whenever the come! We had a nice time - mainly relaxing - but Mom did get going on painting the second crib white. It is in progress, and the nursery will make a serious transition once both cribs are up and running. Can't wait!!!
Signing off - Until next time!