The snow is melting here in Columbus! Today most lawns are visable, the first time green (or in our patchy, raggamuffin lawn's case - BROWN!) has been experienced in a long while. And it could be just my imagine, but I believe I have detected a noticable difference in bird-chirping in the morning. It's like Spring is trying SO hard to break... today Scott and I walked along the bike path near our home - and imagined doing it this summer with a huge stroller in front of us. WOW!

We had another ultra sound appointment today. We will continue to have them every two weeks to check on the size of the babies. Today's appointment went VERY well - they are each exactly 1 pound in weight. Their identical nature has the potential to cause one to get more nutrients than the other and thereby risk the health of the other - but so far, they are balancing out beautifully! The heart defect in Duncan looked the same - nothing to report on that front.

We are growing to love them more and more each day!